Monday 26 December 2011


Christmas where the gumtrees grow, there is no frost and there is no snow. Christmas in Australia's hot, cold & frosty is what it's not. When the bloom of the jacaranda tree is here, Christmas time is near.

So, Christmas. A retail store's heaven.  The excuse for everyone to give & receive presents, get together with their family and eat lots of food all day. The one day a year when the churches are over-full with people, people who go that one day a year and call themselves Christians. For my family, it's the one day in the year where everybody who lives within three hours of each other come to the Christmas lunch, exchange cheap gifts and talk for hours about what has happened since the last time they all for together, last Christmas.

So now that Christmas is over, New Year is the next big thing for shopping centres, and then, MY BIRTHDAY! hehe.

`But I set fire, to the rain, & I threw us, into the flames. Let it burn, while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name.


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Monday 19 December 2011

Just For The Hell of It.

I often find myself, when texting, sitting with a message I have typed on my screen for about ten minutes, wondering whether to send it or not. It's a common thought of what the person who I am sending it to, is going to take from the message. It mostly happens when texting one particular person, whom usually takes what I say the COMPLETELY wrong way anyway... which is probably not a bad thing. 

Holidays are feeling pretty good so far. It's just an amazing feeling to get up every morning, NOT at seven thirty, and know that I don't have to do anything today. Except work, maybe. But work is fun, mostly. The fact that I haven't been doing anything can probably be taken in a way that says "I have no life". But, meh. I have plenty of things that I COULD be doing, if I... wasn't so lazy. Most of my days lately have been filled with present-wrapping, as I have no other family members who can wrap a present without it looking a mess. Some people are always talking about what they got for every single cousin, auntie, uncle, grandparent, etc. because they are a "nice family member". Sometimes people look at me weird when  I say I only buy presents for my Mum, Dad, brother and sister, but I have no many people in my family it would be literally impossible for me to buy them all a present. My presence at Christmas is their present. Not that Christmas is actually about presents, as some people so often assume. It is not necessarily even about family, and 'giving', and corny stuff either, but we won't go into that. One thing that I don't understand though, is people who celebrate Christmas who aren't religious. It's like... why? You don't even believe in the reason that we have it.


to wake up in the morning with REGRETS.


and forget the ones that DON'T

if you get a chance; take it

if it changes your life; let it

NOBODY said it would be easy



This is pretty. ♥

I was on Witty Profiles today, and someone had posted something about a Depression test. And it said "click here to take the Depression test". So I did, just for the hell of it. 

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:High
Dysthymia:Extremely High
Bipolar Disorder:Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test
  Hmm. Interesting. 

` All the other kids with the pumped-up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped-up kicks you better run, better run, faster than my bullet.


Wednesday 14 December 2011

Summer ♥

"There comes a point in your life when you realise: Who matters; Who never did; Who won’t anymore; And who always will. So, don’t worry about people from your past,  there’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future." -Adam Lindsay Gordan.

As of yesterday, I had officially finished all my Christmas shopping for this year. It's actually really scary and exciting to think that Christmas is now less than two weeks away. It doesn't seem like a year since the dramas of last December/January, but it is. Also, SENIORS! Seniorness is exciting. I'm excited for 2012, but also kind of nervous because after 2012 comes 2013 (der, you say), and then it's out into the big, bad world for us. But in the mean time, TIES!

Today I spent about two hours at the pool with a couple of besties, just laying in the sun. It. Was. Amazing. Seriously, I love Winter, and hot chocolates, and snuggling up, but just laying there in the sun, the warmth on my skin, was just the best feeling ever. This Summer is turning out to be amazing already. Well, that could have something to do with the fact that last Summer, there was no Summer.

Oh my gosh, today in America, it is Taylor Swift's birthday. And what a cool date it is too. 13/12/11. At 10:09 it will be 13 12 11 10 9. COOL. I love things like that. How awesome would it be to have an anniversary on a day like today? "Yeah, my anniversay is 13/12/11." Wow, cool. RIGHT, RIGHT?! 

I'm tired. Clearly. 
`Take me back to the, sweet times, the hot nights, everything is gunna be alright, in the summertime, baby in the summertime! And even if I have to wait until, next year, I don't care. All I know is that I need 'ya there, in the summertime, baby in the summertime, that is where I'll be!


Saturday 10 December 2011


So I'm back in the hole some people refer to as Gatton. Okay, so it's not THAT bad.... I guess. But compared to the coast... yeah. Well, anyway. My legs are in aweful pain at the moment, as I am extremly sunburnt. The one sunny day of the whole week I was at the coast, and I get burnt like a... lobster. Oh well, maybe I'll get a nice tan out of it. (hahaha, oh Caitlin, keep dreaming). But all in all, the coast was good. Apart from a few minor family and weather issues, of course. Shopping is always a second option though. Even though I couldn't buy the pretty dress I wanted because I have in fact spent all my money on Christmas presents. Humph.

La lalala la, lalala loveelife. It is currently 8:18pm, and I am listening to Love Life by He Is We, because I am obsessed with this song. Texting two boys, both completely different from the other. It's quite interesting, actually. It is less than one month until my birthday. Excitement.. Not really. I won't be doing much. I don't have much of a life. Hence the fact that at 8:24 on a Saturday night, I have nothing better to do than sit on a computer listening to He Is We and write a blog. Pathetic life. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. I doubt it though.

I watched the last Harry Potter movie today!!!!! That was exciting. And sad. And amazing. And.... exciting. And sad. Yep. I now have to go to the library tomorrow and borrow out the book and read it, since I haven't read it yet. *shaaaameee* Sorry Jess. I have read all the other ones, just not the last one. I don't know why. 

My brother is stupid. I can't wait until I get my laptop next year. I shall NEVER BE KICKED OFF AGAIN. I hope he is reading this over my shoulder. I think so. 

;Heartaches and mistakes, how many hits can a good girl take. I'm tired of hurting, slowly learning. Irate you're too late. Look at the mess that you've created, First date to, slight hate.
Love life - What's that? ♥

Thursday 8 December 2011

Dream Big.

I like Taylor Swift.  Taylor Swift is pretty. Taylor Swift is amazing. Taylor Swift has a perfume. I like Taylor Swift's perfume. Taylor Swift's perfume smells pretty. Taylor Swift's perfume is amazing.

I have decided that I'm going to save up enough money to buy it before her concert in March, and then wear it to her concert, and she'll be like, 'someone's wearing my perfume!' And then we'll be best friends forever. :D Brilliant plan? I think so.  Dream big, right?

Something that I have come across today that really annoys me, is when someone starts texting you, and then you have a bit of a conversation, and then that person just stops replying. Umm, hello? Don't start something if you're just going to get bored of it halfway through.

I saw so many pretty dresses in so many pretty dress shops today, and I didn't buy any. NOT ONE. I am so proud of myself. The main reason was that I actually had no money to spend... but shh.

-when you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. If you find a {girl} that's worth a damn and treats you well, then she's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell.


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Wednesday 7 December 2011


I HATE people who judge. It really kinda makes me mad to find out that some people do or don't do something in fear of being judged by others. Or because they are being judged by others. For example, when people give you shit for the person you like/person you are dating. It isn't fair to do that to someone. Sure, you're allowed to have an opinion, but there is no reason whatsoever to voice that opinion. Concentrate on your own life for goodness sake! It really really annoys me that all of our actions these days are tainted by what others are going to think about it. People care TOO MUCH about what other people are doing that they forget what truely matters: happiness. If someone is happy, LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE. That is all.


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Tuesday 6 December 2011

All The Small Things

I went into a giftshop outside of Aussie World today. It was a very pretty giftshop. I do like pretty giftshops. Anyway,  there was a sign in said shop that read "No photos or videos to be taken within the shop without permission." The one thing I immediately wanted to do, was take a photo of the sign, just for the irony. I like irony.

I also discovered that I don't like looking at things on/around the counter of a shop, in fear that the register person is secretly judging me by whatever it is I'm looking at. And then they're all, "Is there anything I can help you with?" -NO! STOP JUDGING ME! -.-

I like to go through all the little souvenir things with the names on them, and see if they have my name there spelt right. These days I find it spelt right more often then I used to.

I just hit my elbow on the coffee table. That really hurt.

My little cousin, Emma, did the funniest thing today. She's about nine. We were sitting there, eating ice-cream, and talking about how my other cousin managed to get himself a girlfriend. They were describing her, saying that she's tall, British, and white as snow. Then they said, oh and she's blonde. Emma's response to this was, "oh mygoshh, I HATE blondes!" -Emma dear, you ARE blonde-  "DAMNIT!". It was funny. Doesn't sound as funny now.... you had to be there, okay?! Don't look at me like that...

I have noticed that in this blog I have mentioned a lot of things that I 'like'. Random list of all the small things; pretty giftshops, irony, souvenirs with names on them, little cousins, blonde moments, rainbow  lollipops, the smell of rain, cute texts, potato chips, cookies n cream ice-cream, REALLY good pizza, watching soccer games with my brother, chicken salt, that one boy that you know you shouldn't like..... oops, Jess, don't read this blog, kay? Thanks.

; and they say, she's in the class A team, stick in her daydream, been this way since eighteen but lately...


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